Advocate Indonesia: an Introduction
Indonesia have had a law regulation on advocate since 2003 in Law no. 18/2003 on Advocate (Undang-undang nomor 18 tahun 2003 tentang Advokat) . It regulates on how to be and how to practice for the advocate in Indonesia. Several new norm is also regulated in this law.
In Indonesia, Lawyer or advocate mean advokat or pengacara. Read on lawyer terminology in Indonesia.
No later after the law signed, Indonesian advocate formed the advocate association bar and ethic code of advocate. The bar is namely Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (Peradi) or Indonesia Advocate Association, but since 2006/2007, the bar is split into two, that are Peradi and Kongres Advokat Indonesia (KAI) or Congress of Indonesia Advocate. Both of these bar have unfinished struggle until now (at least until this article published). Each of them are claim that the legitimate bar is only themselve and say the other the unlegitimate one.
For the future I will continue to write on advocate in Indonesia in this blog. If you are not an Indonesian advocate and would to practice Indonesia, it is important and essential to learn and know about it. I will help you to find up and explain on Indonesian legal system, especially for a foreign lawyer or foreign advocate. For collague in Indonesia, hope you to share your experience, opnion and review what I write here. Keep you get the update articles from Indonesia Advocate
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